Saturday, June 9, 2012

Akaiti Ponga family history

The Diary of Great Great Grandfather Akaiti Ponga (Kavana of Karanga )

Akaiti Ponga in his young day (on the right)

Akaiti Ponga is 'what I call the Keeper of Information on 
Mangaia Island' he had an old diary which he kept by his 
bedside, little I know this diary will become the future record 
of today's information.  This diary holds a significant value 
to my family history and the family history of Mangaia. 
See link below...

Genealogy book of Akaiti Ponga Mangaia, Cook Islands .... E tuatua teia 
no te kopu tangata o Sadaraka mei tona a1 tupuna ma1 e tae ua mai 1 tcna uki ne1.

Mangaia death index_by_children_names - SlideShare